Volume 5, No. 6, 2016
The Landscape as a Unit for Rangeland Monitoring in Arid Regions of Iran Saeid Abdi Tazik, Mansour Mesdaghi, Vahid Shamsabadi, Mehdi Moradi and Elias Ibrahimi Khoram Abadi Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 322-324. ![]() Abstract
Severe land fragmentation, degradation, and pollution problems will force us to think about a rural community and research group in Iran to combine our experiences and skills to deal with the challenges of improving land use sustainability. In ancient countries like Persia (Iran), past land use suggests that rangelands exploitation by local herders was co-adapted with natural environments. In ancient countries like Persia (Iran), past land use suggests that rangelands exploitation by local herders was co-adapted with natural environments. Iranian rangelands, however, were nationalized through the land reforming and the modernization of rural communities, so private range properties were rejected. But, government failed to properly manage the rangelands. In this research one study area of arid regions were selected in Torbat-e Jam of Rasavi province in Iran. We have proposed an integrated model includes various levels of management, needs of social organizations, potential rangeland classes, and agro-ecological-based dry land farming. The main advantage of planning based on landscape unit is that by considering ecological aspects of past use and present features and land use, integrated models can be provided based on land suitability. Combining the benefits of different rural groups is the most important parts of decision making. Keywords: Rangeland, Land suitability, Local herders, Dry land farming ![]() |
Comparative Assessment of Extension Administrators Effectiveness in Administering Extension Services in Imo State Agricultural Development Programme Chukwu AO, Duru LA and GI Ikeanyionwu Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 325-328. ![]() Abstract
The failure of extension workers in improving farmer’s knowledge, skills, behavior and livelihood has been attributed to ineffective management of extension personnel. Hence, this study was inspired to assess comparatively extension administrator’s effectiveness in administering extension services in Imo State Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) as perceived by extension agents and extension administrators. Specifically, the study assessed the tasks and responsibilities of the extension personnel, evaluated the performance of the extension administrators as perceived by extension agents and administrators. Data were collected using structured questionnaire from 120 respondents (20 extension administrators and 100 extension agents) selected through multi – stage sampling technique. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as mean, frequency scores, percentage and t – test were used to analyze the data. Results showed that the extension personnel engaged more (85.0%) in facilitating input supply to farmers. The extension administrators were ineffective (x = 1.9) in administering extension services in Imo State ADP. Result further showed that extension administrators and agents did not differ in their perception that extension administrators in Imo State ADP were ineffective in their performance. The study recommended that adequate logistic support be provided among other ways of overcoming the challenges facing the performance of extension administrators. Keywords: Extension Administrators, Extension Services, Agricultural Development Programme ![]() |
Association Mapping for Phytophthora Pod Rot Resistance in a Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) Population Grown in Farmers’ Field Efombagn MIB, O Sounigo, B Courtois, O Fouet, M Jeanneau, A Lemainque, S Pavek and C Lanaud Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 329-336. ![]() Abstract
Phytophthora pod rot (PPR) caused by the specie Phytophthora megakarya is an important disease of cacao tree. Association mapping identified markers linked to PPR resistance in a cacao population of 260 trees planted under high disease pressure in a single plantation in a farmer’s field. These cacao trees were derived from both selfing and full-sib progenies. The resistance traits were assessed through field observations of the natural pod attacks of the disease on the trunk (PRTnk) or the canopy (PRCpy) of cacao trees (expressed as the percentage of PPR-infected pods), and the development of the symptoms on the pods two (PT2d) or five days (PT5d) after artificial inoculations. A total of 108 SSRs markers loci covering the 10 chromosomes of the cacao genome were used in the analysis. The percentages of admixture of each genotype, estimated using 17 neutral SSRs markers, were used as co-factor in the analyses, decreasing the proportion of false-positive due to population structure. General and mixed linear models were used to analyze phenotypic data collected over 3 years. For field PPR incidence and artificial pod inoculation tests, a total of 36 and 18 individual marker-trait associations were detected, respectively. The positive and significant correlations found between PT5d and field measurements (PRTnk and PRCpy) explained the fact that both traits were co-localized with PPR scores in 9 marker-trait associations. The results of this study highlight the interests of association mapping to decipher the PPR genetic control and to guide the breeding strategies to produce a sustainable cacao resistance to Phytophthora species. Keywords: Theobroma cacao L., Phytopthora sp, Association mapping, Population structure, SSRs ![]() |
Effect of Stage of Harvest on Dry Matter Yield and Nutritive Value of Pennisetum pedicellatum, Andropogon gayanus and Chloris gayana as Fodder in Adamawa State, Nigeria TF Mbahi and H Gende Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 337-340. ![]() Abstract
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of growth, stage of harvest on dry matter yield and nutritive value of Pennisetum pedicellatum, Andropogon gayanus and Chloris gayana under rain fed condition in Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria. The field experiment was laid in randomized complete block design with the plot divided into three main plots and replicated three times measuring 5x5m with inter and intra row spacings of 0.5m. The five harvesting stages are 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 weeks respectively. Growth Was significantly different (P<0.05) at all stages of growth for the three grasses except weeks 6 and 7. The dry matter yield was significantly different (P<0.05) at weeks 10 and 12, but it was not significantly different at weeks 6, 8 and 14 respectively. Crude protein and ether extract content was highest at weeks 6 and 8, while both declined with advance stages at weeks 10, 12 and 14 respectively for all the grasses. Ash content increases with stage of growth to maximum values at week 14 for all the grasses. ADF and ADF both increases with stage of growth from week 6 to maximum values at week 14 for all the grasses. Keywords: Pennisetum pedicellatum, Andropogon gayanus, Chloris gayana, Grasses, Dry matter yield, Crude protein ![]() |
Survey and Taxonomy of Mites Associated with Fruit Orchards Trees from Sakaka Governorate, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mohammed M. E. Elmoghazy Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 341-346. ![]() Abstract
Fruits are considered one of the important crops in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially palm and olive crops. Several mite species commonly attack fruit orchards trees around the world, phytophagous mites have causing damage to leaves, buds and fruits. This study deals with mites associated with fruit orchards trees (date palm, olive, grape, pomegranate and citrus trees) from Sakaka governorate, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The present study had revealed records of 35 species belonging to 29 genera and 20 families. Of which, twenty two mite species inhabiting different habitats were recorded in Sakaka, KSA for the first time in 2015-2016. Mite species were categorized according to their feeding habits into three categories: nine species belong to phytophagous, sixteen species belong to predaceous mites, while the ten species belong to families of different feeding habits, miscellaneous, of the total amount of collected mite species. The present study also showed that the number of mite species associated with date palm was higher in the soil as compared with aerial parts and other host plants, predaceous mites inhabiting date palm were more predominant as compared with phytophagus and miscellaneous species. On the other hand, the mite species recorded on the aerial parts of citrus, grape, pomegranate and olive were higher respectively as compared with the soil mite species, in which phytophagus mites were more predominant on citrus, olive and pomegranate respectively. In grape, phytophagus and predaceous were equal in the number and higher than miscellaneous species. Keywords: Survey, Taxonomy, Mite, Orchards trees, Sakaka, Saudi Arabia ![]() |
Active Compound Characterization and Cytotoxic Activity of Soursop (Annona muricata L) Leaves Extract Against Murine Cells Leukemia P-388 Syamsul Hidayat, Purwantiningsih Sugita and Irma Herawati Suparto Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 347-351. ![]() Abstract
The Objectives of this study were to characterize active compounds from leaves of soursop and determine cytotoxic activity against murine leukemia P–388 cells. Leaves of soursop were macerated in 96% ethanol then dried with rotary evaporator. The leaves extract was fractionated using Vacuum Liquid Chromatography (VLC) to produce uncomplex fractions. A toxicity screening test was conducted using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). The results showed that fraction A, C and F had LC50 values of 275.5, 320.3 and 94.5 μg ml-1, respectively. These fractions were further purified using preparative thin layer chromatography. Based on LC50 value and yield then F3, F fraction and EtOAc extract then were analyzed by MTT(3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay to determine cytotoxic activity against murine leukemia P-388 cells. LC50 value for the EtOAc extract, F fraction and F3 fraction were 0.16, < 0.1, and > 100 μg mL–1, respectively. These showed that activity of EtOAc extract and F fraction in inhibiting growth of murine leukemia P-388 cancer cells were five times better compared to positive control (Artonin E). Characterization of active compound was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Chromatogram showed 20 peaks of F fraction, ten peaks of phenolic compounds and other peaks showed alkaloids, terpenoids and fatty acids, while in F3 fraction, dominant peak was at 28,67 minutes retention time. This peak indicated potential compound, a pyrido [1′,2′:1,2] imidazo [5,4-c]-cinnoline which was an alkaloid. Keywords: Annona muricata L, anticancer, leukemia, murin P-388 ![]() |
Evaluation of the Effects of Priming and Cultivation Date on Quantity and Quality Performance of Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) Medical Plant Milad Hemati and Heshmat Omidi Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 352-357. ![]() Abstract
A universal approach to using medicinal plants and natural compounds in cosmetics and pharmacological industries, and consequently by authorities, national industries, in addition to people’s attention to use medicinal and aromatic plants especially Cuminum cyminum L., indicate the necessary need of wide basic science and applications research in this field. Our purpose is to evaluate cultivation date and priming effects on quantity and quality performance of cumin. This research has conducted in medicinal plant research field of Shahed University located at the beginning of Tehran-Qom Highway at the agricultural year of 2014-2015. The experiment performed as a two-treatment factorial in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The first treatment was priming at two level include without priming (control) and hydro priming for eight hours, and the second treatment was three cultivation date including 4 February, 19 February, and 5 March. Variance analysis of results showed that the effect of priming and cultivation date on seeds number per plant, harvest index and active ingredients like alpha pinene, beta pinene, o-cymene, limonene, p-cymene, linalool, alpha-terpineol, and cumin aldehyde, were significant at the statistical level of 5%. But it has not significant effect on the weight of 1000 seeds and biological performance. In addition, the highest number of the seeds per plant, seed performance, beta pinene, limonene, p-cymene, and linalool was for hydro priming at cultivation date of 4 February. However, it has not significant effect on the number of umbels per plant, the weight of 1000 seeds and biological performance. In addition, the highest number of seeds per plant, seed performance, beta pinene, limonene, p-cymene, and linalool observed for hydro priming treatment at cultivation date of 4 February. But, this treatment resulted in fewer amounts of active ingredients like o-cymene and alpha Terpineol. In this experiment, delay in cultivation date resulted in a decrease of biological performance and weight of 1000 seeds. Generally, results of the effect of the cultivation date and priming treatment interaction showed that using hydro priming results a non significant increasing in some of the active ingredients at cultivation date of 4 February in comparison with control. Keywords: Alpha pinene, Pretreatment, Seed performance, Active ingredients, Hydro priming ![]() |
Assessment of the Organizational Efficiency of Imo State Agricultural Development Programme Chukwu AO, Nwaiwu JC and UN Akwiwu Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 358-361. ![]() Abstract
The study was on the assessment of the Organizational efficiency of Imo State Agricultural Development Programme as perceived by extension administrators and extension agents. Data were collected using structured questionnaire from 120 respondents (20 extension administrators and 100 extension agents) selected through multistage sampling technique. Descriptive statistics, mean score and ranking order were adopted for data analysis. Results showed that the Imo State Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) extension services was efficient (X=3.12) in managing available resources towards the attainment of organizational objectives as perceived by both extension administrators and extension agents. The study hence recommends need for sustainability, for this could be achieved through having simple chain of command in organizational structure which clearly defines roles and functions of personnel and work policies which should be gender sensitive. Keywords: Agricultural Development Programme, Imo State, Organizational Efficiency ![]() |
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Performance of Extension Administrators in Imo State Agricultural Development Programme Chukwu AO, Nwarieji FE and JC Nwaiwu Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 362-365. ![]() Abstract
The study analyzed factors influencing the performance of extension administrators in Imo State Agricultural Development Programme. Specifically, various factors influencing extension administrators’ performance were identified; level to which constraining factors influenced the performance of extension administrators was assessed; and the relationship between the socio-economic characteristics of extension administrators and performance was determined. Data were collected using structured questionnaire from 120 respondents (20 extension administrators and 100 extension agents) selected through multi-stage sampling technique. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as percentage, mean score and ordinary least square (OLS) regression model were used for the analysis. Results showed a strong and direct relationship (R = 0.82) between the socio-economic characteristics of the extension administrators in Imo State Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) poor personnel motivation and inadequate funding were most influential constraints affecting the performance of personnel who administer extension in the state ADP. The study recommends alternative sources of funding and adequate logistic support among other ways of overcoming the challenges facing extension administrators’ performance. Keywords: Extension Administrator, Extension services, Agricultural Development Programme ![]() |
Isolation and Characterization of Digitaria exilis Seed Starch as Raw Material for Noodles Making Umerie SC and Umeh SO Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 366-369. ![]() Abstract
Digitaria exilis (Fonio) seed starch was isolated using wet milling process with a yield of 35.8% on dry weight basis. A pale white starch obtained was dried and selected and physicochemical properties were determined. The following results were obtained; granule sizes 0.003-0.005, 0.007-0.009, and 0.013-0.016 mm for small, medium and large respectively. The granules were comparable to other cereal types with a high amylose content of 25.41%, so it could be classed as a non-waxy starch. Mean specific gravity was 1.05, ash 0.2% and moisture contents 4.48%. Paste stability was 4.5 h, adhesive strength 3.21 KN/m2, clarity 1•0 and line-spread 7•48 at 50oC. Noodles from the starch were prepared and the quality assessed. Tensile strength was 17.5 KN/m2 and there was a negligible solid loss during cooking. Also the tensile strength of yarns sized with the starch was 83•48 KN/m2 and was compared with textile-sizing solution formulated with cassava starch and industrial yarn. Solutions showed fairly good adhesive strength and line-spread. The qualities of the starch noodles and the sized yarns are comparable to standards. The Fonio grain starch can be employed industrially for noodle production and as textile sizing solution. Keywords: Fonio, Digitaria exilis, Seed starch, Starch properties, Noodles textile yarns ![]() |
Challenges of Small-Scale Snail Farmers in Oji-River Local Government Area, Enugu State, Nigeria Ezeano CI Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 370-372. ![]() Abstract
The study identified the challenges faced by small-scale snail farmers in Oji-River Local Government Area Enugu state, Nigeria. Interview schedule was developed and used to collect data from 72 respondents. The findings revealed that majority (59.7%) of the respondents were married women who were fairly educated with average age of 56years with household size of6 members and farming experience of 7years. Majority (50%) had stock size above 400 snails with 43.1% earning between ₦30,000-₦40,000 annually from sale of snails. About 72.2% of the respondents used intensive management system. The major challenges faced by small-scale snail farmers in the area were; lack of funds (x ̅= 3.2), lack of feeds (x ̅= 3.1), diseases/parasites infection (x ̅= 3.5), lack of land (x ̅= 3.0), lack of veterinary services (x ̅= 3.6), problem of poachers (x ̅= 3.8), cultural restrictions (x ̅= 3.4) religious restriction (x ̅= 3.2) and lack of contact with extension agents (x ̅= 3.0). The recommendations are that more trainings on snail production should be given to the farmers and effective linkage between the farmers and extension services of Agricultural Development Programme established. In conclusion snail farming is still facing a lot of challenges in Nigeria. Keywords: Snail, Small-scale Farmers, Enugu State, Nigeria ![]() |
Study of Ecological Characters of Ziziphora Clinopodioides L. Medicinal Plant in North East Rangelands of Iran Ali Mohammad Asaadi Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 373-377. ![]() Abstract
Ziziphora clinopodioides L. (Lamiaceae) is one of the most important medicinal plants had been used in traditional medicine in natural sites of mountainous areas of Iran. This study aimed to investigate the main autecological characteristics of plant. In this site, different parameters such as climate characters, vegetation studies, physical and chemical analysis of the soil were determined. The results showed that Ziziphora clinopodioides could be adapted in regions with arid cold climate, annual rainfall average of 295 mm and annual average temperature of 11.28 °C. Ziziphora clinopodioides have dispersed in northern, south and north east slope and altitude 1200- 1875 m of sea level in area. It was observed that this plant generally prefers Loamy texture, lime, alkaline pH and non-saline soils. The content of organic matter is rich in its habitat. Individual plants height varies from 21 to 40 cm with canopy diameter of 25 to 75 cm. Mean canopy cover was 17% in the habitat. According to the results of the vegetation studies, average of the current yield was 241.27 kg/ha and 11500 species per hectare was estimated as average of the density of Ziziphora clinopodioides. Keywords: Autecology, Ziziphora clinopodioides, Rangeland, Iran ![]() |
Studies on the Antioxidant Potentials of Croton spirale (Codiaeum variegatum var. spirale) (L.) Leaf Umerie SC and ET Ekuma Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 378-381. ![]() Abstract
The present work was undertaken to investigate the antioxidant activity of Croton spirale (Codiaeum variegatum var. spirale (L.)). The leaves of Croton spirale were collected, dried, powdered and extracted in methanol and water. Quantitative analysis of phytochemicals (saponins, tannins, phytates, phenols, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, oxalates, alkaloids), vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C and E), and minerals (zinc, iron and selenium) were determined using standard methods. The antioxidant scavenging activity was determined using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picryhydrazyl) method. Result showed that Croton spirale contains: flavonoids (13.16%),phenols (5.21%), tannins (128.32%), saponins (2.64%), phytates (3.00%), cardiac glycosides (2.00%), oxalates (0.024%), alkaloids (11.92%), vitamin A (3.12mg/100), vitamin B1 (7.01mg/100), vitamin B2 (5.15mg/100), vitamin B3 (0.585mg/100), vitamin B6 (0.534mg/100), vitamin B12 (23.53mg/100) vitamin C (6.231mg/100), vitamin E (1.5mg/100), zinc (1.906), iron (3.366), and selenium (2.786). These values are within FAO/WHO (2001) standard except for vitamin B6 which is slightly below the standard. The extract also has a high DPPH radical scavenging activity relative to standard ascorbic acid. These suggest that Croton spirale can be used in the management of oxidative stress and in prevention of diverse disease states such as allergies, inflammatory responses, microbial infections, and cancer. Keywords: Croton spirale leaf, Phytochemical constituents, DPPH scavenging activity, Reactive oxygen species (ROS), Antioxidant vitamins and minerals ![]() |
Physiological Effects of Light, Salinity and pH on the Process of Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Three Varieties of Red Beans Farangis Babaei Anbohi, Babak Delkhosh and Ghorban Noormohammadi Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 382-387. ![]() Abstract
To evaluate the effects of ecological factors on germination of three species of red beans factorial experiment was carried out in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Treatments included: light at two levels of darkness in the first 48 hours of germination and treatment period of 14 hours of light and 10 hours of darkness; salinity levels in three levels distilled water (control), 6 grams per liter of salt, 10 grams per liter of salt and pH treatments at three levels: 6.5,7.5 (control), 8.2 and varieties of three species of red beans (Goli, Akhtar and KS31169).The results for analysis of variance showed that the quadratic interaction was significant in the possibility level of one percent for all traits. The results for comparison of means showed that overall germination rate was reduced by applying the third level of salinity. But it was observed that germination rates were reduced if the first level of light was used with a combination of other factors compared to when second level of light was used with a combination of other factors. Generally, the treatment combinations that had maximum and minimum length of root and shoot had the highest seedling length. For seedling dry weight, the treatment combinations 3221 (1.41) and 2121 (1.41) showed the highest and treatment combinations 1232 (0.40) and 3132 (0.40) showed the lowest results. Results of correlation of characteristics showed that germination percentage did not have a high and meaningful correlation with any of the traits. Keywords: Germination, Red Beans, pH,Light, Darkness, Salinity ![]() |
Study of the Design and Implementation of Effluent Treatment System (ETS) of Vannamei Shrimp Culture in Gwatar Region (Sistan and Baluchestan-Iran) Farah Heidari, Mahsa Mirhosseini and Seyed Hossein Hosseini Jangjoo Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 388-390. ![]() Abstract
Shrimp farming has rapidly expanded over the last two decades, with the total world cultured shrimp production reaching 3.4 million tons, valued at over 14 billion USD in 2008. However, the industry is receiving increasing criticisms as effluent discharged from shrimp farms can be a major source of pollution in estuarine and marine ecosystems. Large areas of coastal areas are developed into aquaculture ponds to meet the increasing demand of protein and an alternative to reduced landings of capture shrimp. This research is integrated shrimp farm Gwatar region in the east city of chabahar in sistan and baluchestan was carried out. Chabahar is a free port (Free Trade Zone) on the coast of the Gulf of Oman. According to the measurement of electrical conductivity and turbidity to come to the pool, the sea before entering the pool, will not change much, at the time of discharge effluent turbidity occurs major changes containing waste and consumption of food and other particles. Keywords: Dissolved oxygen, Electrical conductivity, PH, Water turbidity ![]() |
Production and Performance Evaluation of Brake Pad Made from Rice Husk and Palm Kernel Shell Powder SC Nwigbo and IO Asogwa Inter J Agri Biosci, 2016, 5(6): 391-398. ![]() Abstract
Experimental study and investigation of alternative material mixture for brake pads are necessary in this new era as a result of phasing out of a commonly used brake pad material called Asbestos due to its carcinogenic effects. This paper presents a new material mixture methodology in brake pad formulation with the integration of statistical and triangular lattice design mixture experiment with optimization techniques. Keeping this in view, the present work has been undertaken to develop a polymer matrix composite brake pad using Rice Husk and Palm Kernel Shell powder as a major constituent in the mix of other regular ingredients in the brake pad manufacture. In this experimental study, the average changes of friction surface, amount of wear loss, stopping time or deceleration, oil and water absorption, hardness capacity of the pad and the noise level generated of sample one (S1) at contact air pressure of 15kN were 0.438, 3.72%, 5.1s, 0.292%, 0.396%, 234.33Bh, 28.67db respectively, which compares relatively well with the following results, 0.362, 3.468%, 7.5s, 231.67Bh and 36db of brake pad imported into the Nigerian market on coefficient of friction, wear loss, stopping time, hardness capacity and noise level respectively. In addition, thermo-graphic analysis, energy dispersion analysis and micro structural characterizations of braking pad were carried out to determine thermal degradation, elemental composition and morphology of the brake pad produced. Keywords: Frictional Materials, Palm Kernel Shell, Rice Husk Powder, Brake Pad and Statistical Design Matrix ![]() |